Set off(啟航)

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Cheng 詩的其他作品

楓葉說想妳 遇見妳
想妳 就是要想妳


夢中的情話 思念 愛情速食店
山中踏青臨風 輕與重(1) Set off (啟航)

Set off (啟航) ~by Cheng
I will go to a place where couldn't meet you online,

I haven't set off, but missing is on the road.

The sail of the missing ship is large,

The wind is so strong,

And missing ship is fast as flying.

Its destination is where you live.

My body is going to the south,

Nevertheless, my missing is going to the north.

The scenery in my eyes will be mountains, plains, trees and

The image ahead for my missing is endless sea.

The endless sea loads the endless missing.

I look up the clouds flying to the north in the blue sky

And ask them to carry my blessing to color the blue sky in
the north.

I will stare at the moon,

I know it is the same one which you see in the north.

I will stare at the stars,

I know they are hanging on your sky.
I am staring and staring, but couldn't stop the missing and

Their lights have come to Earth through the universe space
for thousands of millions of years,

Even if they were gone now, they only existed on thousands
of millions of years.

As like the eternal lights--I miss you.
這首詩的背後: 這是一年前我寫給第一個筆友的英文詩! 她是個外國朋友(非英語母語系國家),我們以英文相互溝通,雖然我們的英文也不太好,卻能相互鼓勵與關心!那是個很難忘的經驗。有一次,因為要回南部過年,而南部的家沒有網路,也就必須有一段時間無法和她聯繫。我在出發前夕,便寫了這首詩給她,表達我對她的想念!



思念曲 ~Cheng




即使抓不住曾經的幸福! 即使留不住昨日的溫暖!


這樣的回憶 也值得終身珍藏

那曾經的悸動 依舊澎湃盪漾!

"此生沒有 枉然" 低聲傾訴 餘音繞樑

以下選了兩首歌,第一首是Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒) 的 I Miss You(我想念你) /(或) Slipped Away (離開)。艾薇兒唱出了對他祖父的想念,雖然不是對於愛人的思念,思念之情深,從她歌聲中緩緩流出,像溪水匯集成江河,讓人忍不住動容! 其實這樣的思念之情,與本詩相互輝映,更是恰如其分! 因為我對她的思念,更像是對一個親人的思念! 雖說如此,但也如浪濤一波接一波,久久無法平息!

第二首是王菲的我願意。我喜歡王菲把思念唱得宛如撐起了身軀,身體跟她的思念比起來,似乎輕了許多! 或者應該說她的身體已融入了思念裡,可以隨思念飄然扥起,隨之搖曳!

Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒) -- I Miss You / Slipped Away

Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒) -- I Miss You(我想念你)
/(或) Slipped Away (離開)

Na na Na na na na na na

I miss you, miss you so bad
我真的好想你 我想你

I don't forget you. Oh it's so sad
無法忘記你. 喔..令我悲傷無已

I hope you can hear me. I remember it clearly
多希望 你能聽見 我的思念依然這樣清晰

The day you slipped away. Was the day I found It won't be the same
那天 你就這樣離去. 我驀然發現 日子再也不一樣了

Oh. Na na Na na na na na

I didn't get around to kiss you. Goodbye on the hand
我不在你身邊 親吻你的手 跟你告別

I wish that I could see you again. I know that I can't
多盼望 我能再見你一面 我知道 那是不可能的

I hope you can hear me. Cuz I remember it clearly
多希望 你可以聽見我的思念. 昨日 依然這樣清晰

I've had my wake up. Won't you wake up
我已經如此清醒 多希望 你跟我一樣清醒

I keep asking why. I can't take it
我不停的問 到底為什麼

It wasn't fake. It happened you passed by
我無法承受這事實 讓我們擦身而過

Now you're gone. Now you're gone
現在 你已經離去 現在 你已經離去

There you go. There you go
你走了 你走了

Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you're gone. Now you're gone
現在 你已經離去 現在 你已經離去

There you go. There you go
你走了 你走了

Somewhere you're not coming back
Na na Na na na na na na

I miss you

王菲 我願意

王菲 我願意

思念是一種很玄的東西 如影隨行

無聲又無息出沒在心底 轉眼 吞沒我在寂寞裡

我無力抗拒 特別是夜裡 想你到無法呼吸

恨不能立即 朝你狂奔去 大聲的告訴你

願意為你 我願意為你

我願意為你 忘記我姓名

就算多一秒 停留在你懷裡 失去世界也不可惜

願意為你 我願意為你

我願意為你 被放逐天際

只要你真心 拿愛與我回應

我什麼都願意 什麼都願意 為你
我什麼都願意 什麼都願意 為你


如果您覺得Cheng的詩寫的不錯,請按個鼓勵我! 謝謝您!

Cheng 詩的其他作品

夢中的情話 輕與重(1)
思念 山中踏青臨風