One of my wisedom.

My friend said to me "You are quite smart, aren't you?"
I replied him "I like to hear it, but it was right sometimes."
"You mean that you are only sometimes smart??" he said.
Therefore, I told him a story about my wisdom, and I would like to share with you:

One day, I went to my hometown and hung out on the street. I found many people gathered and surrounded with a car accident.

I wanted to go into the center of the crowd to know what happened. But no matter what I did, I still couldn't go into the center.

Suddenly, one idea came into my mind. "Excuse me, excuse me, I am the family of the victim." I said. The crowd grinned but let me go into the center.

When I proud of my wisdom, I saw the victim, the victim was

--- a cow.

Now, Do you think I am smart enough?